Friday, November 6, 2020

Presenting SBI Short Term Debt Fund

Why SBI Short Term Debt Fund? 

• A high credit quality portfolio in the AAA / AA+ space, which also takes selective exposure to long dated bonds and gilts • The Fund focusses on providing stable returns while benefiting from capital appreciation through moderate duration exposure Where does it invest? Debt and Money Market securities such that Macaulay Duration is between 1-3 years. Investors with a similar time horizon can look to invest in this Fund.

Continuous evaluation of macroeconomic factors, market dynamics and debt specific factors. Core portfolio is built through investing in money market and short-term bond with high credit rating while duration through tactical exposure to gilts. Focusses on providing stable returns while benefiting from capital gains through moderate duration exposure. Aims at better risk adjusted returns vis-à-vis traditional short-term saving options.

Presenting SBI Banking & PSU Fund

Why SBI Short Term Debt Fund? • A high credit quality portfolio in the AAA / AA+ space, which also takes selective exposure to long dated bonds and gilts • The Fund focusses on providing stable returns while benefiting from capital appreciation through moderate duration exposure Where does it invest? Debt and Money Market securities such that Macaulay Duration is between 1-3 years. Investors with a similar time horizon can look to invest in this Fund. 

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