Friday, November 6, 2020

Presenting SBI Short Term Debt Fund

Why SBI Short Term Debt Fund? 

• A high credit quality portfolio in the AAA / AA+ space, which also takes selective exposure to long dated bonds and gilts • The Fund focusses on providing stable returns while benefiting from capital appreciation through moderate duration exposure Where does it invest? Debt and Money Market securities such that Macaulay Duration is between 1-3 years. Investors with a similar time horizon can look to invest in this Fund.

Continuous evaluation of macroeconomic factors, market dynamics and debt specific factors. Core portfolio is built through investing in money market and short-term bond with high credit rating while duration through tactical exposure to gilts. Focusses on providing stable returns while benefiting from capital gains through moderate duration exposure. Aims at better risk adjusted returns vis-à-vis traditional short-term saving options.

Presenting SBI Banking & PSU Fund

Why SBI Short Term Debt Fund? • A high credit quality portfolio in the AAA / AA+ space, which also takes selective exposure to long dated bonds and gilts • The Fund focusses on providing stable returns while benefiting from capital appreciation through moderate duration exposure Where does it invest? Debt and Money Market securities such that Macaulay Duration is between 1-3 years. Investors with a similar time horizon can look to invest in this Fund. 




Investment Objective

To provide the investors an opportunity to earn regular income predominantly through investment in debt 

and money market instruments and capital appreciation through an actively managed equity portfolio.

Investment Strategy

The proportion of the scheme portfolio invested in each type of security will vary in accordance with 

economic conditions, interest rates, liquidity and other relevant considerations, including the risks 

associated with each investment. The scheme intends to invest upto 25% of the corpus in equity and 

equity related instruments.



Mr. Rajeev Radhakrishnan

Managing this fund since Jun 2008.

Total experience 17 years .


Stock Name

(%) Of Total AUM






















Right Time to Investment / When and how do investment

Best Time to Investment for All Investors

सभी Investors और Advisors के लिए निवेश करने और कराने के लिए ये एक और बेहतर मौका है। 2020 शुरुआती समय बहुत बड़ी मंदी का समय है और अच्छे निवेशक वो ही होते है जो मंदी के समय में अपने पैंसों को मार्किट में निवेश करते है। अच्छे निवेशक हमेशा ऐसे मोको का इंतजार करते है और जब भी मार्किट अपने सामान्य से भी काफी निचे होता है तो निवेश करके आने वाले समय में अच्छा प्रॉफिट कमाते है ।

10 क्या गलती करते है निवेशक 

1. निवेशक सामान्य यह गलती करते है की जब भी मार्किट निचे जाता है तो वो डर कर अपने निवेश को निकाल लेते है ।

2.   पॉइंट नंबर 1 के विपरीत हमेशा निवेशक जब मार्किट काफी ऊंचाई में जाता है तो वो लालच में ज्यादा निवेश करते है।

3.  मंद्दी के समय निवेशक अपने धैर्य को खो देता है । जबकि उसको कुछ और समय मार्किट में बना रहना चाहिए ।

4. जहाँ मंन्दी के समय उसको अपने निवेश को बढ़ाना चाहिए होता है वो उसको स्टॉप कर लेता है ।

5. काफी उचाई वाले मार्किट में निवेशक कम समय के लिए कच्चे लालच में ज्यादा पैंसे डेब्ट स्कीम में न लगा  कर Equity में निवेश करता है।

6. पॉइंट नंबर  5 के विपरीत जब मार्किट काफी नीचे होता है तो वह डेब्ट की तरफ निवेश बढ़ा देता है ।

7. पहले से ही बढे हुए मार्किट के निवेश को वह जब मार्किट निचे आता है तो  बैलेंस नहीं करता है ।

8. निवेशक कभी भी किसी फाइनेंसियल एडवाइजर की सलाह नहीं लेता है जैसे हम बुखार आने पर बिना  डॉक्टर्स की सलाह के कोई दवा नहीं लेते जबकि हमे पता होता है की बुखार किस दवा से चला जायेगा फिर भी हम एक बार सलाह जरूर लेते है ।

9. इधर उधर से सुन कर खुद ही निवेश कर लेना ।

10. बिना मार्किट के ज्ञान के ही एक ही बार में पूरा निवेश कर लेना।

आइये SBI Mutual -Fund  की  Short एनीमेशन Image  Film  देख कर कुछ सीखते है 

How  do Investment /कैसे करें निवेश 

निवेशक हमेशा ऊपर दिए गए 10 Points को याद रखे वैसे तो और भी बहुत सी गलतियां निवेशक करते है। अगर सिर्फ ये कुछ गलतियों को ध्यान में रख कर निवेश क्या जाये तो निवेशक हमेशा ही मार्किट में प्रॉफिट बना सकता है ।

निवेशक को हमेशा निवेश करने से पहले अपने लक्ष्य को निर्धारित कर लेना चाहिए और अपने लक्ष्य को ध्यान में रख कर ही निवेश करना चाहिए  Mutual  Funds  में Funds -House  (AMC )  द्वारा सभी लक्ष्यों के लिए अलग अलग Funds स्कीम  को बनाया गया है । सभी की जरुरातों को देखते हुए।

जो निवेशक पहली बार Mutual  Funds  में निवेश कर रहे है। उनको सबसे पहले कुछ समय  Mutual  Funds  की Debt  Scheme  और Equity Hybrid Funds  में ही निवेश करना चाहिए।  सभी नए निवेशकों के लिए यह फंड्स बहुत ही सुरक्छित है । और जब उनको Market का थोड़ा बहुत ज्ञान हो जाये तब अन्य स्कीमों में निवेश को बढ़ाना चाहिए ।


About The ICICI Prudential Balanced Advantage Fund

ICICI Prudential Balanced Advantage Fund is an open-ended equity fund. The fund follows a dynamic asset allocation strategy the is based on in house equity valuation model. If the model indicates that market valuation is low, the fund seeks to increase its allocation to equity assets and vie versa . By following this investment style, the fund aims to  tide over short-term market volatility and help you participate in equity markets with controlled risk.

This Fund Equity Strategy


The Fund aims to increase the portion of equity assets in its portfolio when market valuation are low and reduces the equity exposure when valuation are high. As per the Valuation model's indication ,the fund has recently reduced the proportion of net equity assets in its portfolio. As of June, 2017 the net equity level is- 48 % of the funds's portfolio as compared with the average net equity level of 57% in the last 3 year (July 2014 to June 2017)

The fund aims to invest in blend of large and mid-cap stocks. while the large cap stocks represent established enterprises selected from the top 100 stocks by market capitalisation , the mid -cap stocks represent business entities with long-term growth potential.

The fund also aims to use derivative instruments for the purpose of hedging or portfolio re-balancing .

Debt Strategy 

The fund aims invest in well-researched fixed income securities offering reasonable yields.

It seeks to actively manage fixed income assets seeking to gain from changing interest rate scenarios.

Which Fund is good for your Investment in 2020

2020 में आपके निवेश के लिए कौन सा  फंड अच्छा है। 

(Which Fund is good for your Investment in 2020) 

2020 में आपके निवेश के लिए कौन सा  फंड अच्छा है।  (Which Fund is good for your Investment in 2020)
Investment in Equity Funds

जो भी Investors  Funds  में Invest  करने के लिए सोच रहे है ! उनको अपने Portfolio  में Combination  बनाना बहुत जरुरी है Combination  बनाने के लिए बहुत जरुरी है कि वो अपने Portfolio  में Small ,  Mid  और Large  के Funds  को एक अनुपात में रखें और जब उनका Combination  बन जाये तो फिर Sector    फण्ड में Invest  कर सकते है ! में सबसे पहले उनको Portfolio  में तीनो funds  को रखना ही जरुरी कहुँगा !  दूसरा ध्यान ये रखे की जब मार्किट down हो  तो उनको सिर्फ  और सिर्फ  Equity  में ही Invest  करना है जितना  हो सके  जब तक मार्किट अपने सामान्य स्थिति  में न आजाए तब तक Equity  में ही Invest  करते रहे और जब भी मार्किट अपने सामान्य में आजाए तो फिर Hybrid और Balance Funds  में Invest  करे !

कौन से मार्केट टाइम  में, कौन से फंड में करें इन्वेस्ट

(In which market time, in which fund to invest)

Equity Investment

Equity  Funds  में कब करें Invest 

जैसे की मेने ऊपर बताया है कि जब भी मार्किट में अच्छी गिरावट हो तो आपको इक्विटी में ही इन्वेस्ट करना चाहिए ! और म्यूच्यूअल  फंड्स की इक्विटी में तब तक इन्वेस्ट करें जब तक कि वो अपने सामान्य   स्थिति  में न आजाए!

Hybrid  / Balance Funds में कब करे Invest 

Balance  Fund /  Hybrid Funds में Invest  करने के लिए अच्छा समय वो है जब आपका Market  सामान्य से ऊपर की ओर बढ़ रहा हो और तब तक Invest  जारी रखना चाहिए  जब तक कि Market   अपने हाई में न पहुँच जाये ! यानि कि आपको जब तक ये न लगे कि मार्किट अब कुछ समय बाद निचे गिरने वाला है अब मार्किट बहुत ऊपर है !

Debt  में कब करें Invest  

अक्सर देखा गया है कि जो भी लोग Equity  में Invest  करते है वो Debt  में invest  करना ही भूल जाते है !मगर उनको हमेशा ध्यान रखना चाहिए की डेब्ट में इन्वेस्ट करना बहुत जरुरी है और उनको डेब्ट में इन्वेस्ट करने के लिए अच्छा समय वो है जब मार्किट अपने हाई  में हो और उनको लग रहा हो कि मार्केट अब नीचे गिरेगा ! यही सही समय है उनको अपने इन्वेस्टमेन्ट को इक्विटी और हाइब्रिड या बैलेंस फंड्स से हटा कर सिर्फ ओर सिर्फ डेब्ट में इन्वेस्ट करना चाहिए ओर तब तक डेब्ट में इन्वेस्ट करे जब तक मार्किट नीचे  नहीं गिरता तथा  जब मार्किट नीचे गिर जाये अच्छे  से तब वो इन्वेस्टरस अपने  डेब्ट इन्वेस्टमेंट को  इक्विटी में ट्रांसफर कर सकते है जिससे उनको बहुत अच्छा प्रॉफिट होगा और एक अच्छे इन्वेस्टर को ऐसा ही करना चाहिए ! ऐसे करने से उनको नीचे गिरे हुए मार्किट में इन्वेस्ट करने के लिए और अलग से फंड्स कि जरुरत नहीं होगी और उनके रेगुलर इन्वेस्टमेंट से हि उनको प्रॉफिट कमाने में उनका डेब्ट फण्ड काम में आएगा !

Sectors  Funds में कब करे Invest

(When to invest in Sectors Funds)

Sectors  Fund  वो Fund  होते जिसमे किसी एक सेक्टर की  बहुत सारी equity  होती है जैसे बैंकिंग सेक्टर्स, फार्मा सेक्टर्स, MFCG  सेक्टर ऐसे हि बहुत से सेक्टर्स के फण्ड होते है! ये सभी फण्डस भविष्य कि मांग को देखते हुए इनका टाइम आता है और ये अच्छे चलते है और जब भी आपको अपने Portfolio में लगे कि आने वाले समय में किसी विशेष का अच्छा मार्किट या संभावना है तो आप इनमे इन्वेस्ट कर सकते है इन  फंड्स में लम्बे समय के लिए बने रहना पड़ता है और फिर जब आपको अपना प्रॉफिट देखे तो आपको इनसे बहार भी निकल जाना चाहिए क्योंकि सेक्टर फण्डस  कुछ समय के लिए ही मार्किट में अच्छा परफॉर्म करते है और फिर वापस  बहुत लम्बे सामय  में आते  है कभी कभी यह भी देखा गया है कि कुछ तो मार्किट में वापस आते ही नहीं सीधे 15  से 20  साल में आते है  इन फंड्स में इन्वेस्टर्स को इन्वेस्ट करने से पहले मार्किट को रीड करना चाहिए कि मार्किट में Future  Demand क्या है और किस चीज कि कुछ सालो  में अच्छी मांग  होगी अगर आपको इसका अच्छा ज्ञान हो तो हि इनमे इन्वेस्ट करे!

लेकिन कुछ सेक्टोर फण्ड कि मार्किट में हमेशा मांग होती है जैसे फार्मा बैंकिंग लेकिन इनकी  बहुत अच्छी मांग  वैसे ही  काम करती  है जैसे और, कहने का मतलब है  कि इनका  बहुत अच्छा बढ़ाव इनमे कुछ समय हि देखा जा सकता है
इस फण्ड में इन्वेस्ट करने का समय मार्किट कि मांग पर हि निर्भर करता है और Future  Demand  को देखते हुए हि इनपर निवेश करना चाहिए !



Know your SBI Small Cap Fund

Some of the biggest companies today have had humble beginnings. They started with only an idea and a hunger for success and the have not looked back since. SBI Small Cap Fund invests in such companies who dream big and ave the potential to be a part of the big league.

Investment Objective

To provide investors with opportunities for long-term growth in capital along with the liquidity of an open-ended scheme by investing predominantly  in a well- diversified basket of equity stocks of small cap companies.

Key Highlights 

Follows a bottom up strategy to identify high-growth potential companies in small cap space (Small camps are companies beyond top 250 by market capitalization)
Small Caps tend to potentially outperform over the long term, more so during continued uptrend.
Opportunity to invest in niche businesses. focus is on identifying businesses with scalability Suitable for investors with a moderately high level of risk appetite, looking to invest in small cap companies that can benefit from the growth potential in the Indian economy. 

Fund Details

Exit Load: For exit within 1 year from the date of allotment -1%

                   For exit after 1 year from the date of allotment - Nil

Entry Load: N.A.

SIP: Fresh Registration through Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) and Systematic Transfer Plan (STP), individually or cumulatively, shall be allowed for a maximum of up Rs. 25,000/- per Pan for monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual frequency.

For details refer addendum dated May 14,2018.

Minimum Investment : Fresh Lumpsum subscription/ switch-in from any other scheme to all the Plans & Options of the scheme through any mode including Stock Exchange platform continues to be suspended in terms of notice-addendum dated October 28, 2015.

Plans Available : Regular and Direct 
Options:  Growth and Dividend.

Fund Manager : Mr. R. Srinivasan
Managing Since: Nov 2013
Total Experience : Over 26 Years

Quantitative Data:
Standard Deviation : 19.04%
Sharpe Ratio: 0.51
Portfolio Turnover : 0.66
data as on 30th Sep.2019







sbi long term equity fund - Regular plan - growth
Sbi Tax Saving Plan 


An open-ended Equity Linked Saving Scheme with a statutory lock-in period of 3 years and tax benefit


Investing for tax benefit should not be just about saving taxes. The focus of SBI Long Term Equity Fund (earlier known as SBI Magnum Taxgain Scheme*), an Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) with a track record of around 27 years, has been long-term wealth creation through investment in equity markets while allowing tax benefit on investments (Individuals/HUFs) up to `1.5 lakh as per Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Invest a lumpsum or regularly through a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). What's more, the scheme has a 3-year lock-in period, currently one of the shortest periods for a tax-saving investment, with the potential to deliver returns that can beat inflation in the long-term. So, invest in SBI Long Term Equity Fund and choose to do more with your tax saving investments.


To deliver the benefit of investment in a portfolio of equity shares, while offering deduction on such investment made in the scheme under Section 80C of the Income-tax Act, 1961. It also seeks to distribute income periodically depending on distributable surplus. Investments in this scheme would be subject to a statutory lock-in of 3 years from the date of allotment to avail Section 80C benefits.


An open-ended Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) which offers tax benefits on investments made up to `1.5 Lakh under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Currently, ELSS has the shortest lock-in period of 3 years amongst other tax-saving options.
 Ideal option for investors looking to build wealth for their goals while getting tax benefits on their investments.


Fund Manager: Mr. Dinesh Balachandran • Managing Since: September 2016 • Total Experience: Over 17 years Benchmark: S&P BSE 500 (w.e.f. May 16, 2018)

Quantitative Data: Standard Deviation# : 19.10% Beta# : 0.97 Sharpe Ratio# : -0.48 Portfolio Turnover*: Equity Turnover: 0.66 Total Turnover: 0.68 Data as on 31st March, 2020

Exit Load: Nil Entry Load: N.A. SIP: ‘Any Day SIP’ Facility is available for Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual frequencies through electronic mode like OTM / Debit Mandate. Default SIP date will be 10th. In case the SIP due date is a Non Business Day, then the immediate following Business Day will be considered for SIP processing. Minimum amount for SIP `500 & in multiples of `500 Minimum Installments: The Scheme offers Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual and Annual - 6 SIP Minimum Investment: `500 & in multiples of `500 Additional Investment: `500 & in multiples of `500 Plans Available: Regular and Direct Options: Growth and Dividend The investments in SBI Long Term Equity Fund is subject to lock in period of 3 years from the date of allotment.

NOTES: a. The details of the period since the Fund Manager is managing the scheme(s) & inception date provided alongside of the table, Mr. Dinesh Balachandran has been managing SBI Long Term Equity Fund since September 2016 and co-managing SBI Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund (Equity & Equity related instruments and Debt & Money Market instruments portion) since March 2015 with Mr. Mohit Jain (investments in foreign securities portion). The total number of schemes managed by Mr. Dinesh Balachandran is 3 (1 scheme is jointly managed by Mr. Mohit Jain). SBI Contra Fund was managed by Mr. R. Srinivasan till May 04, 2018 b. Different plans shall have a different expense structure. Performance for all scheme(s) are of Regular Plan - Growth option. In case of SBI Magnum Taxgain Scheme growth option was introduced later on 07-May-2007 and SBI Contra Fund growth option was introduced later on 06-May-2005, hence for the purpose of calculation of since inception returns, all dividends declared prior to the splitting of the scheme into Dividend & Growth Options are assumed to be reinvested in the units of the scheme at the then prevailing NAV (ex-dividend NAV) and net of Dividend Distribution tax, if any c. Mr. Mohit Jain is the fund manager for investment in foreign securities in SBI Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund w.e.f. Nov 28, 2017 d. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and the same may not necessarily provide the basis for comparison with other investment e. Load is not considered for computation of returns f. Period for which scheme’s performance has been provided is computed basis last day of the month-end preceding the date of advertisement i.e. 31st March, 2020. In case, the start/end date of the concerned period is a non-business day, the NAV of the previous date is considered for computation of returns g. Scheme count for the total schemes managed by the Fund Managers does not include Close-ended Schemes h. SBI Long Term Equity Fund: As the scheme was launched before the launch of the benchmark index, benchmark index figures since inception or the required period are not available i. SBI Long Term Equity Fund: As scheme benchmark TRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, additional benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR of S&P BSE Sensex PRI values 31-Mar-93 to 18-Aug-96 and TRI values since 19-Aug-96 j. SBI Contra Fund: As scheme benchmark TRI data is not available since inception of the scheme, benchmark performance is calculated using composite CAGR of S&P BSE 500 PRI values from 05-Jul-99 to 31-Jul-06 and TRI values since 01-Aug-06

PERFORMANCE OF SBI LONG TERM EQUITY FUND Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. Toll-free: 1800 209 3333 SMS: ‘LTEF’ to 7065611100 Visit: Follow us: CAGR % Point-to-Point returns on Standard Investment of `10,000/- CAGR % Point-to-Point returns on Standard Investment of `10,000/- CAGR % Point-to-Point returns on Standard Investment of `10,000/- 3 Years 5 Years CAGR % Point-to-Point returns on Standard Investment of `10,000/- Since Inception Inception Date & Managing Since 1 Year Scheme Benchmark: - S&P BSE 500 (TRI) Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) Inception Date 31-03-1993 Managing Since Sep-2016 SBI Contra Fund Scheme Benchmark: - S&P BSE 500 (TRI) Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) Inception Date 05-07-1999 Managing Since May-2018 SBI Dynamic Asset Allocation Fund Scheme Benchmark: - 50% CRISIL 1 year CD Index + 50% S&P BSE Sensex Inception Date 26-03-2015 Managing Since Mar-2015 Performance of other fund managed by Dinesh Balachandran, Fund Manager of SBI Long Term Equity Fund Performance of fund jointly managed by Dinesh Balachandran (Equity & Debt portion) and Mohit Jain (investments in foreign securities portion) Fund managed by Dinesh Balachandran SBI Long Term Equity Fund Scheme Name -27.39 7261 -6.13 8269 -1.73 9164 13.76 325336 -26.27 7373 -2.98 9130 1.41 10725 N.A. N.A. -22.69 7731 1.07 10326 2.41 11265 11.50 189174 -31.68 6832 -8.92 7553 -3.45 8390 15.27 191037 -26.27 7373 -2.98 9130 1.41 10725 12.89 123927 -22.69 7731 1.07 10326 2.41 11265 11.46 95035 -13.44 8656 0.52 10157 2.88 11524 2.96 11575 -7.59 9241 4.67 11468 5.43 13031 5.64 13172 Additional Benchmark: - S&P BSE Sensex (TRI) -22.69 7731 1.07 10326 2.41 11265 2.77 11470

Mutual fund Status

Know About Equity Funds

let's start to keep Understand Equity Funds

know about equity funds, Equity SIP benefits

Know in English Language 

Types of Investment avenues- asset Classes

1 Equity 
2 Real Estate
3 Fixed Income
4. Gold
Here is showing 4 types of asset classes for investment. 

know about equity funds, Equity SIP benefits

Here is showing a Historical wealth growth chart from 1993 to 2019

Keep understand why was market up and down last 30 year.

As per chart first 8 to 9 year market is stable.  firstly 1995 Barings Bank  collapses and 1996 to 1997 between second PM Gowada Resigns, again and again one by one every year done some mistacks as  Asian financial crisis, PM Vajpayee Resigns, Stock Market Scandal. After that congress wins General election in 2004 and market is grow. And again market go down in 2008, Because that year terrorist attack in Mumbai. After that year market was firstly grow up year to year. And finally market was growth  with short term volatility.

know about equity funds, Equity SIP benefits

Growth of 10 year 

For Equity investment- You have seen as per chart anyone invest 100 rupees  in 2008 after 10 year this value is 413.19 rupees.

For Gold investment- You have seen as per chart anyone invest 100 rupees  in 2008 after 10 year this value is 312.61 rupees.

For Debt Investment- You have seen as per chart anyone invest 100 rupees  in 2008 after 10 year this value is 225.30 rupees.

Are you understand growth of investment. Who is firstly grow 
Answer is Equity investment. 

Importance of equity in an investor's portfolio

Equity is important for investors as it plays the flowing key roles long-term wealth generation,  Annual income in the form of dividends, Become a part owner in a company and provides better inflation adjusted returns.

know about equity funds, equity sip benefits

Why Equity Mutual Fund?

1. Professionally Managed - Mutual Funds are managed by qualified professionals who are experienced in managing assets.

2. Easy On Pockets-  Start investing with just INR Rs. 500/- per month through SIPs 

3. Reasonable Costs-  Mutual Funds offer good investment opportunity at reasonable fund management fees and other expenses.

4. Portfolio Diversification -Equity Mutual funds have well diversified portfolio that help minimize concentration risk.

5. Tax Planning-Investing lump-sum in ELSS Funds for 3 years lock-in period will help you get a tax deduction in financial year 2019-2020 for up to INR 1.5 lakh u/s 80C of the income Tax Act, 1961

6. Maximum Growth - Equity Investment always provides better profit in long term.

7. Equity Balancing Opportunity - Equity Mutual Funds always group of many company's equity's shares.

8. Opportunity of Market Size Selection - Better option of selection Long, Mid and Small market size. Like scheme category.

9. Help to Goal Achievement- Equity is best option for your long terms goal achievement like retirement , child education and marriage.

10. Fund Balancing Option - In equity investor have a best option to balancing in low market. 

Equity Market

Advantages of  Equity SIP-

 Rupee Cost Averaging 

An Equity SIP is a good option to consider  if you aren't surefooted about investing lump sum amounts. It builds your portfolio and neutralizes market volatility, as it benefits from rupee cost averaging. Which means if the market goes up, the units you own will increase in value, but if it goes down, you next payment will buy more units.

Factors to Consider while investing through the equity sip route. 

Goal setting zero in on the reason (s) for investing over several year .
Estimate Corpus consider inflation to calculate the corpus needed for each goal.
Risk Profiling Find out how much risk the investor can take.
Suitability of Product select the equity fund that is best suited for the investor.
Portfolio Review Check regularly if the investments are on track to meet the long term goals.
Professional Help Consider engaging with a financial planner/advisor.

What is SIP/ क्या होती है & SIP Benefits

पहली बार SIP में क्यों करें Investment 

SIP with SBI mutual Fund 

Mutual Fund में Investment  के लिए SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) सबसे अच्छा ,सरल और Safe तरीका है । अगर आप पहली बार Mutual Fund  में Invest कर रहे है, तो आप SBI Mutual Fund की Blue-chip Fund या SBI Equity Hybrid Fund की  Scheme में, SIP सुरु कर सकते है ।

क्या होती है  SIP 

SIP एक (Systematic Investment Plan) प्लान है जिसमे हम अपने पैसे को Yearly, Half-Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, Day bases   में  Continue ऑटो डेबिट स्कीम लगा कर सुरु कर सकते है । SIP  में ऑटो डेबिट एक निश्चित टाइम के लिए लगा होता है । इसके लिए Mutual Funds -NAV Regular Bases में देखने की जरुरत नहीं होती है ।

SIP (Systematic Investment Plan) क्यों करे सुरु।

 SIP  कभी भी सुरु कर सकते है । जहाँ देखा जाये तो Lumsum इन्वेस्टमेन्ट के लिए आपको थोड़ा सा मार्किट की जानकारी होनी बहुत जरुरी होती है । अगर आपको Mutual  Fund  NAV  की कुछ भी जानकारी नहीं है तो आज ही सुरु कर सकते है SIP 

SIP करने के फायदे 

1.  सिप में Investment  सुरु करने का सबसे बड़ा फायदा ये होता है  कि आपको हर एक मार्किट की NAV  मिल जाती है । जब मार्किट ऊपर जा रहा होता  है तब भी और जब मार्किट निचे जा रहा हो तब भी, इससे आपके Folio  में एक औसत की NAV मिल जाती है और जब भी आपको अपने Goal के हिसाब से पैंसे चाहिए होते है, तो आपको अच्छी Return  Amount  मिल जाती है ।
 SIP में आपको जो Profit  होता है वो Normal RD (Regular Deposit) और FD  (Fixed  Diposit) से काफी अच्छा होता है । और देखा जाये तो ये सुरक्छित भी है । 

2.  इसका दूसरा फायदा ये है की इसमें आपको Mutual  Fund  मार्किट कि हर रोज Fund  NAV देखने  की जरुरत नहीं होती है। और आपको हर NAV  की Units  मिल जाती है।

जाने कब होगा आपका Goal Achieve - Click Below For SIP Calculation 

3.  SIP सुरु करने का तीसरा फायदा ये ही की आप 500  या उससे ऊपर कितनी भी Amount  की SIP  सुरु कर सकते हैं । जो भी आपके budget  में हो । इसके लिए आपको एक साथ बड़ी Amount  की जरुरत नहीं होती है कोई भी सामान्य व्यक्ति इसको सुरु कर सकता है।

SIP  एक रेगुलर इन्वेस्टमेंट है  जो हम अपने छोटे छोटे पैंसे  जोड़ कर एक बड़ी अमाउंट बनाने में हमारी मदद्त  करती है

SIP कौन कर सकता है 

SIP एक सामान्य व्यक्ति भी सुरु कर सकता है और एक Top  क्लास फॅमिली वाला व्यक्ति भी ।
उसकी उम्र 18 साल होनी चाहिए । उसके पास अपना पैन कार्ड हो और तथा उसके पास कोई भी एक नेशनल बैंक अकाउंट होना चाहिए। जिससे वो अपनी SIP की Installment  सुरु कर सके।
18 साल से निचे वाले अपने माता-पिता के द्वारा Joint  Folio  खोल कर SIP सुरु कर सकते है।

   याद रखें की कभी भी म्यूच्यूअल फंड्स में SIP  हो या Lumsum  कभी भी इसमें नगद लेन नेद नहीं होता है जब  भी कोई ट्रांजेक्शन होगी तो बैंक से ही होगी । लेकिन कुछ फंड हाउस म्यूचुअल फंड में नकद लेनदेन शुरू करते हैं
एचडीएफसी, बिड़ला सन लाइफ, पीयरलेस और यूटीआई ने अपनी योजनाओं में नकद निवेश स्वीकार करना शुरू कर दिया है।

But Some Fund houses start cash transactions in mutual funds

HDFC, Birla Sun Life, Peerless and UTI have started accepting cash investments in their schemes.

SBI Mutual Fund में करे स्टार्ट SIP  

SIP online application, What is SIP

Be an SIP Investor and be Future-ready.

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a financial planning tool that helps you create wealth and achieve goal, by investing small sums of money every months, over a period of time. A systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a vehicle offered by mutual funds to help investors invest regularly in a disciplined manner. Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) in equity mutual funds can create a large corpus for an investor over the long term, without the investor stretching his monthly budget.

SIP in equity funds provide you both, the disciplined approach towards investment and healthy rate of growth in medium to long term investment.

You can achieve some goals like dream vacations, owning house,  paying for you children's education & planning a comfortable retirement.

SIP Some Benefits 

Disciplined Saving 

Discipline is the key to successful investments. When you invest through SIP, You commit yourself to save regularly. Every investment is a step towards attaining your financial objectives.


While it is advisable to continue SIP investments with a long-term perspective, there is no compulsion. Investors can discontinue the plan at any time. One can also increase/decrease the amount being invested.

Long-Term Gains

Due to rupees-cost averaging and the power of compounding SIPs have the potential to deliver attractive returns over a long investment horizon.


SIP is a hassle-free mode of investment. You can issue a standing instruction to your bank to facilitate auto-debits from your bank account. Be an SIP investor, and earn your right to a better life.

The Power of Compounding 

" Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world . He who understands it, earns it.... he who doesn't...pays it"                                                  - Albert Einstein 
The rule of compounding is simple- the sooner your start investing, the more time your wealth has to grow & achieve financial goal with SIP helps.

As per my study and readings 

The longer the sip period, the better the chances of double digit returns.
You may say that you don’t invest in equity fund to avoid losses. You do it to earn a double digit return. So what are your chances of getting to that 10 per cent annualized return with an SIP? The study showed that if you did SIPs for one year, you had a 55.6 per cent chance of getting more than 10 cent return. For tow- year SIPs the probability grows to 56.9 per cent. For five year SIPs, it was 63.8 per cent. And for 10 year SIPs you had 77.3 per cent chance to getting at least a 10 per cent annualized return.

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